Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To My Florida Friends and Loved Ones

Reporters and the President and his surrogates keep asking Romney and Ryan to explain how they're going to pay for the massive tax cuts they're promising the wealthy, and they say, they can do it without raising taxes, but, that's disingenuous.

In Massachusetts, as Governor, Romney cut taxes and raised fees of all kinds. These include state fees and tuitions, fees for businesses, marriage licenses, business renewals, you name it, he raised, by hundreds of percent in most cases. He also cut education budgets, prompting the smart people of Massachusetts to kick him out after one term. His approval ratings were so low, he couldn't even run. Now he claims he was such a great governor. Sarah Palin couldn't get away with this. Why can Mitt Romney?

Both Romney and Ryan have made it clear that they think "entitlements" that help the poor only keep them dependent on government, and should be reversed or reduced. It seems clear that both Romney and Ryan would balance their massive tax cuts for the wealthy on the backs of the poor and the middle class, for it is their belief that this will bring about a healthy economy. They couldn't be more wrong, but, how many people understand economics in the absence of Bill Clinton shouting it at them from a podium until his voice is literally raw.

Romney's one signature reform, on which the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is based, was, I believe, largely pushed through by Senator Ted Kennedy. Romney signed it, and took credit for bi-partisanship. The people of Massachusetts love their health care, and 98% are covered, but Romney says he'll repeal "Obamacare", and immediately cause insurance companies to begin raising their rates and reducing their coverage, not to mention, the poor people who have a pre-existing condition. I hate that Romney gets away with lying not only about his plans, but about his record.

This reminds me of the debates between Gore and Bush. Bush was lying, and Gore was sighing. Gore informed the public exactly what Bush planned to do. Put lobbyists in charge of writing legislation, gut the education system and regulations on corporations. He couldn't have foreseen the two wars, government sanctioned torture, and the blind eye of the Bush Justice Department toward Wall Street shenanigans, Blackwater and Halliburton. All of the same characters that still support all of these policies are right behind Romney, telling him how to pull the wool over the eyes of the American people.

As Romney lies, and the President, reluctant to seem like "an angry black man", has to control his temper. I'm sure he couldn't wait to get out of there and just have a smoke.

I'm not saying the President is perfect. I'm just saying Romney is a dangerous joke. So, please, don't vote for him.

Love and light,